Charity & Community Giving

As a Private Business, we cut out Government Red Tape and don’t answer to Shareholders, but to YOU the public.

Once we have recovered our opening operating expenses, we will start giving back to community.

Keep an eye out on the site for program roll outs. This will take time, as it’s getting expensive to run. We also want to pay our future team well, which will be run by exceptional people like you.

But for now it’s Coffee, Canna, Muesli & Noodles on the couch for me.

Please submit ideas for giving back, though the contact page. Remember were about supporting lots of smaller charities and programs vs large charities. Thats not to say we won’t give to them also. Indigenous initiatives most welcome.

Proposed Sponsorship

Hives for Heroes AU Program expansion-

Youth Indigenous programs, with emphasis on restoring balance & education

Environmental & Conservation organisations

Local School Gardening Clubs

Youth Sporting Teams - Supply of Headwear

Pill testing at Festivals

Animal rescue & welfare organisations